
We want you to be satisfied with the items you purchase from Doxie Planet, so we try and make returns and refunds as simple as possible. That said, here’s what you should know:

Our products are “print on demand,” which means we don’t carry an inventory of items. They are only produced when they are ordered, and only in the amount ordered. Each product is unique. As such, returns and exchanges aren’t supported if you order the wrong size, color, or you simply changed your mind.

If, however, your item is damaged in shipping, misprinted, or otherwise defective, we do offer free replacement of the item if you notify us within 30 days of the order. To request a replacement, we ask that you contact us using the form below, and attach a clear photo of the item so that we can request a reprint from our supplier.

If a replacement item is out of stock or no longer available, we will contact you regarding a suitable substitute, or refund your order.

Order Cancellations

If an order has yet to go to production (usually within 24 hours or the order being placed), you may request a cancellation and we will refund the full amount of the order. To request a cancellation, please contact us using the form below within 24 hours of placing the order. We will confirm that the item has yet to go to production with our supplier and notify you when the refund has been issued.

Shipping Address Changes

If an order has yet to be shipped (usually within 1-2 days of the order), we are happy to change the ship-to address for you. If the order has already shipped, and your selected shipping method allows us to changed the address with the shipper (e.g, UPS), we can do so as well. If the updated shipping address falls within a shipping zone with a different rate (for example, a different country), we will charge you the additional shipping fee if the rate is higher, and refund the difference if the rate is lower.

To request a shipping address change, please contact us using the form below within 24 hours of placing the order, and we will make the change for you.

Shipping Upgrades

If you would like to request a shipping method upgrade (for example, going from standard to express shipping), please contact us using the form below within 24 hours of placing the order. If the order has yet to ship, we will notify you of the change in shipping costs, and, if acceptable to you, will charge the additional upgraded shipping fee.

Other Questions

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us using the form below.

Contact Us

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Request Type
Please select your reason for the request
Please be as specific as possible about the nature of your request.