What if I Use My Sad Eyes?
It didn't take Hercules long to become a master manipulator. For being barely four months old, he sure has that "I'm just a poor sad puppy" down pretty well.
It didn't take Hercules long to become a master manipulator. For being barely four months old, he sure has that "I'm just a poor sad puppy" down pretty well.
The one advantage to puppies over human babies is that after 15 minutes of super-activity, instead of crying, puppies just sort of fall over and sleep. Hard.
Hercules has figured out how to sit on the back of the couch, but he hasn't figured out how to hop off. Instead, he sort of oozes down the cushion to the floor
Hercules was enjoying a mid-afternoon nap in the sunroom, but I guess it got a little too warm on the dog bed. At least for the front half of him, not the back
Hercules had his first Independence Day party. After a late night of barking at fireworks and running around like his tail was on fire, he needed the sleep.