A Monday Wake Up Call for Monkey

A dachshund poking his head out from under a blanket and yawning

Monkey is always the last member of the pack to drag his doxie butt out of bed

Dragging your butt out of bed on Monday is always tough. For Monkey (aka Montgomery), it’s almost impossible.

While the rest of the pack has been up and around for hours now, ol’ sleepy wienie has been comfortably burrowed deep in the blankets dreaming of dog biscuits and chasing cats.
Had I not noticed I was one Doxie short during our morning leg stretch and trip to the chicken coop, I’m pretty sure Monkey would have kept right on snoozing until noon.

It took five minutes of calling for him and searching all his favorite spots before I notice a rustling under the sheets. I tossed back the comforter, and there he was, bleary-eyed and yawning.

Once he was up and out of bed, he trotted off to the living room to join the others… where he’s now sleeping on the back of the couch.

Sigh. There’s always one who needs his beauty sleep more than most.

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About the Author: Terri Osterfeld

I'm a certifiable dachshund fanatic and lover of anything that involves doxies. I have five — Rommel, Franzi, Montgomery, Hank, and Hercules — plus two German Shepherds, Noet and Sunna, who think they're dachshunds.
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