Playing Ball on a Different Scale

A mastiff standing over two dachshunds

Odin overseeing Rommel and Montgomery’s ball playing

Dachshunds are awesome, but they tend to be a little reckless, which can get them into trouble when they live in an area with bigger predators like coyotes.

That’s why my pack always has an “honorary doxie” in the form of a big dog coyotes and other critters will think twice about before they try anything.

This photo is Rommel and Montgomery playing ball while big ol’ Odin looks on.

Odin’s a mastiff mix who’s fast as lighting, can leap a 6 foot fence without touching it, and is basically every coyote’s worst nightmare. When he’s around, the rest of the pack is perfectly safe.

Much to Rommel’s dismay, however, he’s not much of a ball player. Rather than fetching and returning the ball to be thrown again, Odin prefers to grab it, lay down with it in his mouth and drool all over it.

Rommel’s smart though. If Odin takes the ball, Rommel always has a backup somewhere near by.

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About the Author: Terri Osterfeld

I'm a certifiable dachshund fanatic and lover of anything that involves doxies. I have five — Rommel, Franzi, Montgomery, Hank, and Hercules — plus two German Shepherds, Noet and Sunna, who think they're dachshunds.
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