Ol’ Hank in His Favorite Spot

Ol Hank the Dachshund waking up from a nap on the back of the couch

Hank’s old now, but he still snaps awake when he thinks food’s coming his way

Hank was once the baby of the pack, but now he’s getting up there in years.

We’re not really sure how old he is as he was a rescue. He got hit by a car and picked up by Animal Control with a broken leg.

One of our foster kids worked at the animal shelter and spotted him. Knowing that I’m a softie when it comes to misfit and abandoned doxies, she brought him home right around Labor Day back in 2012. The veterinarian estimated he was around 2 years old at the time, which would make him 14 or so now.

Hank’s broken leg healed just fine, but it still gives him a little trouble when he tries to run, so every 3rd step or so he hops a bit, which is why we call him “Hop Along Hank.”
Even though Hank’s gone gray with age, he still does his best to keep up with young Hercules. He might not bark quite as much, and he sleeps quite a bit more, but if the doorbell rings, he still flies out front like he was shot out of a cannon.

Here’s Hank in his favorite spot, sleeping on the back of the couch up. Hercules, who’s not quite 6 months old, still hasn’t figured out how climb up there to join him, so Hank gets all those cushions to himself.

Funny thing is, as old as Hank is, and as deeply as he sleeps, he can still snap awake at the slightest sound of the refrigerator door opening. He might be a little groggy (as you can see in the photo), but he’s ready to grab any food that comes his way.

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  1. John August 27, 2024 at 7:25 am - Reply

    Seniors are beautiful

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About the Author: Terri Osterfeld

I'm a certifiable dachshund fanatic and lover of anything that involves doxies. I have five — Rommel, Franzi, Montgomery, Hank, and Hercules — plus two German Shepherds, Noet and Sunna, who think they're dachshunds.
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