Hercules in Disguise
Being a dachshund demi-god, Hercules is used to the admiration of other dogs. Occasionally though, will disguise himself with a fuzzy blue blanket.
Being a dachshund demi-god, Hercules is used to the admiration of other dogs. Occasionally though, will disguise himself with a fuzzy blue blanket.
All dachshunds are wonderful, but there are personality differences between boys and girls. Here are a few things to consider when choosing one versus the other
Being a dachshund puppy isn't as easy and carefree as you might think. Hercules' schedule is jam-packed. With all he does, little wonder he sleeps so hard.
I though Hank was sleeping when I left my laptop on the bed. He decided it's his pillow. The only way I'm going to get it back is if he gets a good belly rub.
Rommel has no problem taking a mid-afternoon power nap in his office chair, As his office mate I don't really mind. I just wish he didn't snore and twitch.
Yesterday I spent close to 30 minutes looking for little Hercules only to find him passed out under the covers on the bed with a big doxie smile on his face.
Dachshunds are awesome, but they can be easy targets for animals like coyotes unless you've got a pack mate that's a mastiff. Then the coyote needs to look out.
Franzi and Montgomery hunting together in a ground squirrel burrow. Franzi digs and flushes them from one end and Montgomery waits to grab them at the other.
I told Hercules the dog treat bag was empty, but, based on the look on his face, I can tell that he doesn't believe me.
Hercules has figured out how to sit on the back of the couch, but he hasn't figured out how to hop off. Instead, he sort of oozes down the cushion to the floor