What Time is It?
According to my dachshund clock, it's a quarter to 12. If you ask the dachshunds though, it's always time to eat.
According to my dachshund clock, it's a quarter to 12. If you ask the dachshunds though, it's always time to eat.
Monkey loved the penguin blanket because none of the other Doxies in the pack ever wanted it. He'd drag it around and burrow into it knowing he'd be left alone.
The one advantage to puppies over human babies is that after 15 minutes of super-activity, instead of crying, puppies just sort of fall over and sleep. Hard.
Hercules has figured out how to sit on the back of the couch, but he hasn't figured out how to hop off. Instead, he sort of oozes down the cushion to the floor
Hercules was enjoying a mid-afternoon nap in the sunroom, but I guess it got a little too warm on the dog bed. At least for the front half of him, not the back
Dachshunds are famous for a lot of things, but retrieving abilities are not one of them. My red, Rommel, however, loved ball so much he could outrun a Labrador
It's a back-to-work Monday, but the dachshunds don't want me to go. They're using their "sad eyes" power to guilt me into staying home and entertaining them