25 01, 2013

Cooking with Dachshunds

By |2013-01-25T19:14:07-08:00January 25, 2013|Stories|1 Comment

It's Food Channel meets Animal Planet in a daily culinary adventure I don't how it is with your dachshunds, but cooking with mine is a life challenging event. After years of doing it, I'm pretty sure I could do that scene in Indiana Jones where he has to escape the Temple of Doom without being crushed, flayed, skewered or incinerated while juggling chainsaw with my eyes closed. My kitchen is fairly small and all three of my dachshunds -- as well as my two German shepherds -- insist on stationing themselves in it at meal preparation time. Given that the space is maybe 5 feet wide and 10 feet long, movement from refrigerator to counter to stove without stumbling over one of the five, each of whom is in a constant state of jockeying for a position directly under my feet, is an accomplishment in itself. This nightly competition for potential fallen morsels (made more likely by tripping me) begins  [keep reading...]

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