The Top 10 Dachshund Names in North America and Europe
Looking for the perfect name for your Dachshund (or just want to see if your pup’s name made the list)? I’ve got you covered! Here are the 10 most popular names
Looking for the perfect name for your Dachshund (or just want to see if your pup’s name made the list)? I’ve got you covered! Here are the 10 most popular names
Dachshunds have very expressive eyes and the kind of eyeliner that can make a social media makeup influencer jealous. Here's why weinerdogs have eye makeup...
Thinking about adding a wiener dog to the family? Here are 7 things you should know about Dachshunds to make sure they're the right type of dog for you.
I took the pack to a dachshund meetup recently only find they have no interest in other dachshunds. It was almost like they took me to a people meetup instead.
Hercules wasn't amused when my husband ate a bacon cheddar biscuit and didn't share any with him. The dog gave him quite the look.
Hercules is a puppy. He can go from 100% energy, flying around the yard one moment and 100% passed out in the next. From Hero to Zero in 2 seconds flat.
Hercules chowed his chewy stick down like a crocodile in less than a minute. Now he's trying to use his Dachshund mind control to get Hank to give his to him.
Hercules examined a Japanese beetle closely before deciding to taste it and realize that he doesn't like the flavor. They're also not very durable playthings.
Franzi and Rommel soaking up some rays on the back deck on a very hot, late summer day. Don't forget the sunscreen doxies!
Yesterday I spent close to 30 minutes looking for little Hercules only to find him passed out under the covers on the bed with a big doxie smile on his face.