Not Dachshunds, But Super Cute Anyway

Okay, these little puff balls aren’t Doxies, but they’re super cute anyway. Today we got a spring batch of baby chicks in the mail (you can order anything over the Internet these days). They’re 14 future hens to keep the orchard clear of bugs, provide lots of fresh eggs and give the dachshunds plenty to bark at in the summer.

Super Cute 2 day old chicks

PS: On another note, Franzi made the mistake of sticking her nose into a duck’s nest earlier today. I wish I’d had my camera because a dachshund running at full gallop from an angry quacking mama duck is a sight to see. (Fortunately, neither dog nor duck were injured in the confrontation.)

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About the Author
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Terri Osterfeld Head Doxie Herder
I'm a certifiable dachshund fanatic and lover of anything that involves doxies. I have five — Rommel, Franzi, Montgomery, Hank, and Hercules — plus two German Shepherds, Noet and Sunna, who think they're dachshunds.
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