Franzi is the Sun Queen

A chocolate dachshund sitting on a lounge chair looking quite serene

Franzi the Sun Queen holding court from her throne

France may have had Louis XIV as their “Sun King”, but here on Doxie Planet, we have our own in the form of Her Most Royal Chocolate Highness, Franzi the Sun Queen.

We got new cushions for the chaise lounges. Her majesty waited long enough for my husband to place them on the lounges, then left to the center of one and made herself comfortable.

She’s now sitting in the sun holding court and looking quite serene and imperial.

And, no, the other members of the pack are not allowed to sit on her throne with her.

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About the Author
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Terri Osterfeld Head Doxie Herder
I'm a certifiable dachshund fanatic and lover of anything that involves doxies. I have five — Rommel, Franzi, Montgomery, Hank, and Hercules — plus two German Shepherds, Noet and Sunna, who think they're dachshunds.
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