A Silly Place to Put a Puzzle
Me: "You're on my puzzle." Montgomery: "If you didn't want me to lay on your puzzle, why would you put it on the coffee table in the sun room?"
Me: "You're on my puzzle." Montgomery: "If you didn't want me to lay on your puzzle, why would you put it on the coffee table in the sun room?"
There's no debate about it, smart voters are voting Dachshund in 2024. Stand up for the little dog by showing your support with fun and fashionable Doxie wear
If you want an example of Dachshunds being stubborn, Rommel found a way to scale a 6 foot high cage and retrieve his ball so I could throw it again (and again).
Hercules the dachshund pup probably has somewhere on the order of $500 worth of toys. Still, he'd rather tear an empty candy box to shreds.
Monday give Hercules the blues because his humans are all work and no play. Even using sad puppy eyes doesn't seem to change that. Guess he'll have to go dig.
It's a Sunday in late June, 92° and the humidity is tropical. There's only one to ride out this heatwave -- nap time with the doxies!
Dachshund owners know - If that soft, new dog bed you got them isn’t setup for burrowing, then your doxie is going to “customize” it so that it is.
Franzi was a true dachshund. Ground squirrels and gophers were never safe in her yard. (Neither was our landscaping and sprinklers.) Watch her hunt in the video
Meet Hercules, the newest member of the pack here at DoxiePlanet! He's 3 months old and has the bold, brave personality you'd expect from a heroic Dachshund
Monkey wearing his protective collar after getting his ear drained Montgomery got an infected ear so he had to have it drained and wear this silly collar for 2 weeks. Every time I see him wearing it, I reminded of the "Cone of Shame" from the movie Up.